
All I want to do is have my mind erased...

Just a  quicky today...

I'm reading 'Escape from Hell' by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. It's the sequel to their 1970ish novel 'Inferno' which was a sort of retooling of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.

Which along with Endymion by Keats are required reading in my opinion...

In short it continues the story of an agnostic science fiction writer who finds himself in Hell following his death. Hell seems to be exactly as Dante described it. Giving any details beyond that would be taking the fun away. I dont want to tell you about it... I'll just say, you should read it.

But it got me to thinking about my beliefs. Anyone who knows me just a tad can tell you that I am not much of an aficionado for organized religion... If I had one thing to say it would be that religion has done a bit more harm than good in my book, but hey, if you want to get together once a week play pretend, who am I to stop you?

"Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson; 1787 letter to his nephew 

Anyway, I wanted to point you to two very interesting articles... And in doing so realized that on my good days I am a hopeful Agnostic Deist.

From Psychology Today;

"Why atheism will replace religion."


"Is atheism a sign of intelligence?"


And of course... your viddy...

Posted by The Author | at 12:20 AM


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